It’s Clipping Time!!!
It’s Clipping time!!!
HSE Hot Oil Coat Conditioner with Coconut, Almond & Jojoba can be your best weapon against dry, dull clipped coats.
HSE Hot Oil can be used to moisturise and clean the skin & coat well before clipping day, this will prep the coat to keep as much colour as possible. And, of course after clipping, treating the skin and hair to a soothing Hot Oil rinse reduces the ‘just clipped’ itches and tickles, quickly restores coat condition, shine, soft texture, depth of colour, and maintains the protective lipid barrier on the skin.
HSE Hot Oil is free of harsh chemicals, parabens, silicones, dyes & mineral oil. It contains a cosmetic quality blend of natural oils in a Coconut Oil base, ensuring a balanced fatty acid & vitamin profile beneficial for equine skin as well as the hair.
Versatility equals economy, and HSE Hot Oil can be used so many ways, rinse, pour on, sponge on, intensive conditioning treatments, mane & tail conditioning and daily grooming sprays. It is a concentrate that allows you to perfectly tailor coat care conditioning needs for each individual horse in every season.
For all our hints and tips for Hot Oil click here.